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Our online complaint form - for complaints about PPI

Please use this form to tell us about your complaint – so we can help resolve it. If you’re not sure about anything, or have difficulty filling in the form, just phone us on 0800 023 4567. Please note all calls with our casework teams are recorded. If you have agreed to make this complaint on someone else's behalf, you will need to ask them to sign and date it in the declaration section below. If they are unable to do this for any reason, please let us know.

Your details (the person complaining)

How would you like us to contact you?
There will be times when we need to send you documents. When we do, how would you like to receive them?
Have you used our service before? (This is so we can link our records)

If you're complaining on behalf of a business

If you're complaining on behalf of a charity or trust

The business you're complaining about

You will usually find this on communication from the business, such as letters or emails. Please type it here exactly as it shows on their communications

What's happened so far?

As mentioned, we can only look into complaints where you've received a final response letter from the business you're complaining about. Or where the business hasn't responded to you within our stated time limits. If you submit a complaint to us before this, we won't be able to get involved and it will take us a lot longer to progress your complaint.

If it has been longer than six months since you received a final response from the business, you are likely out of time to refer the complaint to our service, unless this was as a result of exceptional circumstances. See our time limits page for more information.

Your complaint


PPI - about the money you borrowed

PPI - about your personal circumstances

PPI about your complaint

Use the uploader to submit additional files. Please tell us about what happened when you took out the PPI. For example any details you remember about:

  • where the sale took place - and who you spoke to at the financial business.
  • the information you were given before you took out the insurance.
  • how the cost, benefits and terms of the insurance were explained to you.
  • the questions you asked before taking out the insurance.
  • why you decided to take out the insurance

Upload your support files

  • Final Response Letter from the business, or evidence of an email or letter to show you have complained to the business more than 8 weeks ago
  • Policy documents (if applicable)
  • Finance agreement (if applicable)
  • Grant of Probate (if the customer has passed away)
  • Power of Attorney (if applicable)
  • Any other documented evidence you can provide which you feel is relevant to your case

Drag and drop your files here (40MB max)

    Privacy notice

    Our privacy notice sets out how you can expect us to use your personal information when you use our service.


    Finally, please agree to this declaration. By signing below, you are agreeing to it.

    "I would like the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into my complaint. I confirm to the best of my knowledge everything I have told you is correct."

    * If you’re complaining on behalf of a business, charity or trust, please provide your job title.

    For complaints involving accounts or policies held jointly, we usually need each person to provide their names above – and we may share details about the complaint with both signatories. Please tell us if there’s any reason this might be a problem for you. If you have agreed to make this complaint on someone else’s behalf, you will need to ask them to sign and date this form in the space above. You will need to add your own details where prompted below.

    Please click the box below